Laptop Holder
Laptop Holder
You wouldn’t know it unless I told you, but there are three laptops hidden in my office desk. Each has its own uniquely designed keyboard, mouse, and screen, making it challenging to switch from one to the next seamlessly. When working on the ThinkPad with its notorious mouse, it’s a struggle to change gears and adapt to the Framework’s trackpad and different-feeling keyboard.
All three laptops can run with their lids closed, essentially functioning as desktop PCs. The downside is they take up valuable desk space, and I’d need a separate mouse, keyboard, and screen to use them. Fortunately, work has provided me with a dock that offers USB-A, HDMI, power, and Ethernet connectivity over USB-C. This allows any of my laptops to connect and be controlled like a desktop. However, even a closed laptop still occupies a significant amount of desk space.
Enter the 3D printer to save the day! Now that I’m feeling up to tackling some projects, I’ve designed a laptop holder that attaches to the side of my desk. This solution allows me to slide the laptop into the holder and work with it as if it’s not even there.
It’s was a quick and simple project, but I dig it.