Minecraft Ore Light

I love that the kids are really into Minecraft!

Start a Minecraft server on Linux

Step-by-step with an automated script.

Mario Kitchen

Super Mario Brothers level 1-1

Custom PacMan Phone Case

Nostalgia with a modern design.

Personalized Metroid (NES) Code

If I knew this code was a thing, my life on the playground 25 years ago would have been entirely different.

Baby Mario Mobile w/MP3

Our kids love this thing! It makes their nerdy dad happy too!

Arcade 1UP with Raspberry Pi Mod

Quickly fell in love with these machines!

Mini NES with USB

Pretty sure this project motivated purchasing a 3d printer.

Raspberry Pi Zero Gameboy

Playing the games from your childhood on a system you love.

Retro Barcade

Ever since I was a kid, one of my dreams was to have an arcade machine at home.