Set all Amazon searches to Prime automatically

Notice: Amazon changed their UI, so this won’t work until it’s updated.

This topic was previously covered in the Firefox Modifications post, but this solution is much more convenient. By appending “&rh=p_85%3A2470955011” to the Amazon search URL, you can ensure that your search results always display Prime-eligible items. The parameter p_85 stands for “Amazon Prime,” and 2470955011 is the Prime filter identifier.

Here is a Tampermonkey script that automates this process for you. When you search, the page will reload with the Prime filter applied. This will add a second or two to your search time, but it’s likely something you would manually do anyway.


    // ==UserScript==
    // @name         Amazon Prime Search Modifier
    // @namespace
    // @version      1.1
    // @description  Automatically add Prime filter to Amazon search URLs
    // @author       Johnny Quest (All you have to do is show me where you find gold coins.)
    // @match*
    // @grant        none
    // ==/UserScript==

    function() {
        'use strict';

        const primeFilter = "&rh=p_85%3A2470955011";

        function modifySearchURL() {
            let currentURL = window.location.href;
            if (currentURL.includes('') && !currentURL.includes(primeFilter)) {
                currentURL += primeFilter;

        // Run the function immediately in case the page is already loaded

        // Listen for changes to the URL in case the user navigates without reloading the page
        window.addEventListener('popstate', modifySearchURL);
        window.addEventListener('pushstate', modifySearchURL);
        window.addEventListener('replaceState', modifySearchURL);
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